There is a language to be found in nature, it’s talking to us in shapes and movements.
How flowers fall when they die is an installation, composed of an ensemble of wood sculptures, a filmed performance and a series of drawings. This work is inspired by the idea of connections and synchronization between all beings. I like Donna Haraway's term ‘cosmological performance’. Observing the forms plants take when they slowly go back to the ground that brought them up, I want to propose the idea that, through these movements, there is something to be learnt for us, humans. A new language, experienced from our spatial sensitivity and from encounters with other materialities, with other façons d'être au monde. Something about the power to let go, rooted in the tension between life force and decay; an endless cycle of deaths and rebirths embodied in the végétal world. From experiencing these movements expressed in nature, from experiencing our own body and presence with this spatial and corporeal language, there is a way to learn how to die.
How flowers fall when they die, installation at the VAV Gallery, Montreal, QC, Canada. 2024. Cherry, maple, birch. Variable sizes.
How flowers fall when they die, installation at Soft Square Gallery
(final year sculpture undergrad show),
Montreal, QC, Canada, 2024. Cherry.
Dimensions: 48” x 72” x 2” / 122 cm x 183 cm x 5 cm.
How flowers fall when they die, installation at Concordia University, 2024.
Cherry, maple, birch. Variable sizes.
Detail of How flowers fall when they die, installation at Soft Square Gallery
(final year sculpture undergrad show),
Montreal, QC, Canada, 2024.
Detail of How flowers fall when they die, installation at Concordia University, 2024.
Cherry, maple, birch. Variable sizes.
Drawings from the installation How flowers fall when they die, 2024. found paper, re-used paper and tracing paper, graphite, ink, flower sap, pollen. Variable sizes.
Detail of How flowers fall when they die, 2024. Installation at Soft Square Gallery (final year sculpture undergrad show). Found paper, re-used paper and tracing paper, graphite, ink, flower sap, pollen. Variable sizes.